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The Impossble

Posted: 20th Jan, '13, 15:45
by expat yorkshire

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 20th Jan, '13, 15:46
by baloo
Really ? I thought it was ok but nothing too specials. I'd like to read the book if there is one as I can only assume the movie left out a heap of the story line and detail.

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 20th Jan, '13, 15:54
by expat yorkshire
I thought the acting of the boy who played Lucas was superb

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 20th Jan, '13, 15:58
by baloo
yeah, he was very good.

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 3rd Feb, '13, 18:23
by Kooky
Very good, but not Oscar-worthy.

I came out of the cinema a little bit jittery - was not involved in the tsunami in any way but I guess for all of us living in the region it was hard not to be affected. We went to Phuket not long after (decided to spend our tourist dollar there) and saw the mess they were still in, too.

Brought it back to us where we were when we heard about it - promenading up the East Coast when a text came in from Minty. Didn't really understand the magnitude at the time. Where were you?

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 3rd Feb, '13, 23:05
by BoD
Wakeboarding I think. I remember hearing something on the radio on the way back about an earthquake/tsunami and that about 4 people had been killed. How wrong they were

I had been in Phuket the weekend before, and do remember being very struck by a photograph of a car wrapped around Starbucks in pretty much the same spot that I had been sitting early morning exactly a week earlier (yes,yes I went to Starbucks... )

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 4th Feb, '13, 03:07
by sluggo
We went to Phuket about a year after and were impressed how much progress they had made in cleaning up. You could not even tell anything had happened.

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 4th Feb, '13, 13:03
by Pinklepurr
I've been thinking about going to see it but just can't make up my mind about it. We were flying out of Singapore that day and heard it on the news, not realising how huge it was until we arrived in Melbourne. One of the girls who worked with Mr PP was lost in it. She had only been here for a couple of months, went to Thailand for her first Asian Christmas. :(

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 4th Feb, '13, 17:37
by Sardonicus
Was in Singapore, just back from Christmas dinner with relatives who were living here at the time.

They were to leave the next day for Columbo, Sri Lanka. I saw the reports, then went to their place to watch the news develop, ended up staying there most of the day. I convinced them to cancel their trip, though they probably wouldn't have been able to go anyway.

Two weeks later I was in Phuket with some mates, and we traveled to some of the hardest hit areas, it was a right mess. Was interviewed at Phuket Airport by the BBC - said we were doing our part by pumping money back into the local economy. It wasn't clear how we could help. My mates left and I stayed on a bit longer.

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 4th Feb, '13, 19:51
by daffodil
In Sydney, staying with friends in Bexley, prepping for the Boxing Day BBQ bash. Due to overindulgence on Christmas Day, hadn't seen the news until got a text from FM.

Truly awful for all involved.

Re: The Impossble

Posted: 26th Feb, '13, 11:03
by Pinklepurr
Eventually made up my mind and went to see this today. It was good (could have done without some of the effects bits etc) but it did leave me feeling a bit emotionally drained, partly from the film and partly from the memories it brought back and the sheer enormity of the event itself. Oh, and yes, the boy who played Lucas was really excellent.