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Current TV technology

Posted: 17th Sep, '12, 21:29
by Sardonicus
I've been using my trusty projection set for gonks.

It's on the blink and for the first time in a decade it's time to buy a new set.

This seems like the right place with the right people to know the ins and outs of LCD vs. Plasma vs. whatever the new tech is today. Yes I'm that far out of the market with it all.

I'm not interested in 3D, or anything smaller or over 43"(though a quick stroll through Courts today told me there are only 40", 46", and upwards), or anything over SGD$1500 and ideally less.

What are the new definite wants / nice-to-have's / don't want's? What should I be looking for? Any preferred makes to consider or avoid?

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 00:49
by Lichtgestalt
Wouldn't buy 3D TVs where you need goggles to watch. There are already the first ones available where you don't need them so that trend will continue

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 04:46
by skank-la
Here IN US Koreans now dominate the market

LG & Samsung - For me stay w/LCD instead of Plasma

They're trying anything they can to dump current inventory of 3D but stay away

Cant go wrong w/either of those 2 - these day 46' are pretty cheap as well

My 2 cents worth

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 06:40
by canuck
I would go for LED.

We have a plasma and it works fine, the one good thing is, if anyone breaks in, they won't steal the plasma. It is a beast.....

I want the OLED Tv

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 06:43
by nev
I went with LED because it's thinner than LCD, and most of the newer models are all LEDs when I was shopping (a year ago).

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 07:04
by slinky
We have a Samsung LED - very thin as Nev noted. It's big and does a good job but wow, I can't believe how much less the equivalent model is today compared to almost two years ago -- but, I guess that's the nature of electronics, eh? (Guess I'm saying, no matter what you end up buying, be prepared to see the same for a lot less in 6 months :lol: )

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 07:35
by baloo
We have Samsung LEDs. 55, 40 and 32".

All good. If you can afford them go for LED rear backlighting, not edge. They are thicker displays but better quality. But in saying that, edge backlighting is fine if you like the super slim look.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 07:37
by baloo
Oh, in my experience Paris Silk is as good a price as any. Once you know the model you want you can call them to deliver one and pay on delivery.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 07:48
by Fat Bob
Got a plasma. Every LCD/LED screen I've seen just doesn't do justice to either sport or action. I can see the pixels almost and it's rather off-putting.

Panasonic are good plasmas, you can pick up a 42" or 50" for less than $1500 at Courts.

edit - I would look for full HD (i.e. 1920 x 1080 pixels rather than 1024x768, which is usually classed as "HD ready")

I'm less convinced with Parisilk. They are probably still competitive for some items, especially cameras and the like, but my TV purchase nearly 2 years ago they were more expensive.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 07:54
by baloo
Plasma runs hot and suck the electricity like you wouldn't believe.

I'd be surprised if you can get muc cheaper than Paris Silk for TVs. Mega mart in the mall near the indoor stadium is another cheap place with comparable prices.

If you're happy to buy a 2yo model go to Audio House. HN and Courts will haggle down but in my experience PS and MM are easy ones top good price no need to haggle hard places.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 08:11
by Fat Bob
Going start calling you burbage soon!

Power consumption - a plasma is rated at the same sort of power usage as an LCD, and an LED is half the power.

Picture quality - I'd rather suck electricity rather than a sucky picture for action movies and sport. Every LCD and LED has failed for sport and action movies.

Parisilk - in Oct 2010 when I bought my new TV, I did research across Courts, Parisilk and Best Denki. Courts were best priced, but likely because of a sale on. Parisilk couldn't match them. We are talking the difference of $1150 versus $1250, but you pays your money (and it wasn't extra work to go to the Courts).

Hint no 2 - make sure it's got all the ports you need. All of mine go through an amp, but it's easy to need 3 or more HDMI ports (e.g. HD Starhub box, blueray player, game console and computer/media centre/media box).

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 08:14
by baloo
Wow, plasma is double the consumption ? Worse than I thought.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 08:27
by Fat Bob

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 08:28
by baloo
Courts shopper

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 09:14
by slinky
baloo wrote:Oh, in my experience Paris Silk is as good a price as any. Once you know the model you want you can call them to deliver one and pay on delivery.
Yep, that's basically what we did.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 09:23
by Morrolan
i'm with FB on the plasma quality for movies. full HD (1080P) 0bviously.

we have a 50, 42, and 32 inch (Panasonic plasma, Panasonic LCD and Sharp LED) and definitely prefer the plasma for movies (even if all the lights in the house dim for a second or two when we switch it on).

no particular preference for any store, it pays to shop around and find the best deal. Best Denki often has good deals on TV's (our 32" LED was only $399).

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 09:38
by Tas
I'm another for Plasma, I love my Panasonic 42" Plasma, and feel the same about pixels as FB, though not into TV sport, I do enjoy a good action movie. And as my dvd, and the blue ray are both Panasonic, was tops how the clickers all seem to work so nice together. I went into shop at the time convinced I was going to by a Sony Brava, and still happy with the choice couple years later.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 19:09
by Jedi
I have a 64" Samsung Plasma and I love it. I looked at LED and LCDs but their pictures just looked unnatural and overprocessed. I really don't care about power usage of Plasma. I have other things in my house that use a lot more power!

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 21:16
by Sardonicus
Thanks all for the info. I have some researching and shopping to do this weekend.

So how do Plasma vs. LED factor for cost - are they about the same?

Are they similarly durable? I seem to remember hearing how pixels go bad on some screens, that may have been with the older technology.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 21:20
by baloo
Plasma is cheaper because no one wants them anymore

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 21:35
by Jedi
baloo wrote:Plasma is cheaper because no one wants them anymore
What the masses pick is not always the best. Seriously, if you can't see the problems with LED/LCD you are blind.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 21:51
by baloo
I see no issues when watching Disney Jnr

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 22:26
by canuck
Em for me It's just a tv

The whole Hd thing is just a sales technique. Tv is a past time, not a lifestyle

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 23:10
by Satellite
canuck wrote:Em for me It's just a tv

Same here... I dont even know what kind of tvs we have. Obviously I have very low standards when it comes to watching tv.

Re: Current TV technology

Posted: 18th Sep, '12, 23:45
by Jedi
baloo wrote:I see no issues when watching Disney Jnr