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Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 13:17
by Kooky
He made two very scary cough-burp type noises on Monday shortly before the blood came up, but AFAIK nothing since. He's just curled up on the bed, sleeping it off. He's had a little wash so not totally disinterested in life, and quite happy to be touched.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 15:02
by Fat Bob
Cool, I can now start making jokles.

Hmmm...that last statement sounds like me after a night out!

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 15:24
by Kooky
Well his heart's still racing and he won't eat or drink a thing so you may be a little bit premature there, Bob.

Does that also sound like you after a night out? :P

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 16:15
by Monkey Hanger
Do you mean the premature bit? ;)

Hugs to Han.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 17:24
by Kooky
He's on his way back to the clinic.

7 hours at home, heart rate still too high, wouldn't drink, eat or wee, just wanted to sleep - as one would if one hadn't eaten since Monday and then had thrown up Monday's food - and he can't go on like that. He's only 5kg to start with.

We all knew this might be the case but wanted to confirm if it was more than stress causing his heart to race. Neo is going to authorise whatever tests they want to do.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 17:44
by daffodil
Poor Han. And the K household, hope you get some good news later [smilie=kiss.gif]

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 19:32
by Tack
Oh no :( I really hope things pick up for you all very soon. [smilie=kiss.gif]

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 8th Feb, '12, 19:49
by avatarless
fingers crossed. :(

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 9th Feb, '12, 09:40
by Pinklepurr
Hope it is all going OK...thinking of you.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 9th Feb, '12, 10:28
by Kooky
Thanks guys - I'm trying to stop boring you all :oops: but the latest from Neo's 10am call with the feline specialist is:

* Heart Rate slower than it was previously so that’s good
* Appears to be in less pain / discomfort
* Planning for Ultrasound this afternoon for both Stomach & Heart
* Potential Heart Murmur, wasn’t noticeable before, could relate to heart problems, Ultrasound of Heart should give them more information about its condition
* Whilst sedated for Ultrasound they will also do further set of lung x-rays so they have a comparison
* If he needs fluids they will sort those out whilst he’s sedated (i.e., put another line in)
* Will contact us once they have results
* Did discuss the possibility of poisoning from carpet or something else, she felt it was unlikely as they would have seen more evidence, but the Ultrasound of the Stomach should give them more information there

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 9th Feb, '12, 10:37
by Pinklepurr
It is far from boring...we are all going through it with you. Thank you for keeping us updated.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 9th Feb, '12, 14:17
by Kooky
Today, in Neo's shorthand:

From ultrasound Thickening of Intestines, cause could be
· Inflammatory Bowel Disease
· Low Grade Lymphoma (Cancer)
· Other less likely causes

Primary Gut problem.

To conclusively confirm above, would need a biopsy, surgically. Ideally to wait until he’s better for that, there are other options.

Doesn’t have pancreatitis (from blood tests).
Pancreas okay, Liver okay, Kidneys okay from Ultrasound. Nothing indicated for his heart.
Mild changes from his XRay. Breathing better.

Short Term want to get him eating. Stopped his pain relief, rehydrating him.

Propose to keep him in hospital, treat his nausea aggressively. May have to either force feed him or put in a feeding tube.

(Vet having same experience as me, i.e., he is interested in the smell of food but afraid to eat it. Off to see him shortly.)

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 9th Feb, '12, 14:22
by Kooky
So, from my brief reading, unless he has cancer it seems Han may have similar gut problems, immune problems and food intolerances to me. :?

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 9th Feb, '12, 22:39
by avatarless
Poor Han. Hopefully all that's required is a change in diet. Thanks for the updates.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 10th Feb, '12, 08:10
by Kooky
Went to see Han last night and he looked calmer (after shouting at both of us!) with improved heart rate but still anorexic. Notes from this morning's phone call:

Better Hydrated, gave some food via syringe, and he then remembered to eat from the bowl.

Low potassium level, giving him a potassium infusion. May have been low due to lack of food, and diluted by fluids provided. This could have been making him lethargic.

Still no vomiting, need to think about when to go ahead with biopsy, but need to get him healthier. Would expect to keep him in over weekend, with a view to do the biopsy on Monday.

Concerned about sending him home and doing a treatment trial. If we treated with him anti-inflammatory then it could compromise the biopsy. Risk of Anaesthetic low. Would normally put in a feeding tube during surgery, so they can give him nutrition.

Other options are trialling treatments or food, not ideal, may deteriorate so set back.

Am not taking this talk of biopsy lightly, trying to get a second opinion from their usual vet - please feel free to chip in.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 10th Feb, '12, 10:06
by avatarless
Well, the biopsy seems necessary for determining a treatment plan. If it's inflammatory bowel stuff, you might be able to just focus on diet and avoid corticosteroids or whatever. If it's intestinal lymphoma, I think you're stuck with drugs. But I guess you know that already.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 10th Feb, '12, 17:06
by Tack
Oh this is shit. And you already know what I'm about to say, I just didn't want to not 'chip in'. What you do now depends on what you'd do if the biopsy turned out with the worst case diagnosis ie if you would aggressively treat the cancer. If you wouldn't then trialling treatment for the inflammatory condition without the biopsy is a reasonable course of action. If there is a good case that cancer treatment would work and you want to then you need the biopsy. Take care x

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 10th Feb, '12, 18:24
by Kooky
We got the second opinion today from his regular vet (who we trust) and she said he's with the top 2 feline specialists in the country. If she'd seen him, she'd have suggested the same course of action and possibly ended up referring him there. So slight comfort from that. We've also asked lots of questions suggested by Aliya and Kim (the two that rescued Han and Bo).

We've been to see him and he was sitting in his litter tray again. Growled and shouted at us but not for long this time, and ended up purring and rolled over for a tummy tickle - still in the litter :roll: He looked a bit brighter although still not happy to be there. Who would be?

He's had a little bit of food and also still being rehydrated - they say his levels are now much better. There was a note on his cage saying his plant-pot collar had to stay on (he takes off bandages) and of course, it was beside him in his cage :D So I know he hasn't given up, like he seemed to have on Wednesday. He's got tons of shaved spots, looking a bit of a Punk Cat at the moment.

Now they're just trying to stop him deteriorating before Monday's op, which we really think we have to agree with; we need information to make decisions, tough as they may be. They say they will do all sorts of tests and biopsies whilst they have him open.

Hopefully Fu and I will sleep better tonight - at 3.30 this morning I was wide awake listening to him whimper in his sleep.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 11th Feb, '12, 08:31
by Kooky
A note about FIV has been forwarded to me. Both boys had teeth out last year and were tested for various things then, but thank you for your suggestion and so sorry to hear about your own puss, who I do remember you adopting. xxx

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 12th Feb, '12, 05:56
by Kooky
Hanny looked a bit brighter yesterday - not so off his face and quite resigned to being there I think. Had quite a chat, managed a few treats, and was rolling around (as much as his collar would let him) for tummy rubs.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 13th Feb, '12, 09:46
by Kooky
They're sending him home this afternoon, no biopsy for now. They say he's improved so much that they want to see if a special diet will sort him out, but I wonder if they've just had enough of him. :?
Looking so forward to cooking up rabbit for him...

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 13th Feb, '12, 10:40
by avatarless
That's good news!

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 13th Feb, '12, 13:44
by Pinklepurr
Aw, I hope it was just something that has passed and he is on the way to recovery. Fingers crossed it is over and a decent diet is all that is needed.

Love that sign! Heh, heh, showing who is boss eh?

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 13th Feb, '12, 13:46
by Kooky
So it's Monday again and I'm cleaning up cat barf again. (And cat wee.) Fingers crossed, please, that Fu is just a little bit stressed.

Re: One poorly pussycat

Posted: 13th Feb, '12, 15:49
by Kooky
One silly looking pussycat
And two frozen rabbits in my freezer :shock: