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Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 07:09
by Kooky
I just caught Fu in the garden making his way through a mid-morning snack.

Now WTF do I do with a half-eaten possum? I think it was one once, at least. Its head is gone, its guts are out on the grass. Poor thing. I don't know where it came from - Fu was in last night and sleeping on the sofa until about ten minutes ago.

I feel faint. :cry:

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 07:24
by chocolate

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 07:29
by Bender
Suggestions: hold a memorial service, then
  • Cook a yummy treat;
  • Share the rest among the other cats;
  • Chuck it over the fence;
  • Go fishing and use it as bait;
  • Bury it (fertiliser);
  • Bag and bin it (sad waste).

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 07:36
by Kooky
I really, really can't bring myself to pick it up, Bender - even with a bag over my hand. It already has flies on it and its guts on show. I know I'm a wuss but that's how it is.

Neo is away until about 8pm. At the moment it is covered in wet newspaper and a bowl but Fu is keen to get back at it. Am going to try to cover it with a binbag weighed down with rocks.

We really need to move to a highrise. :(

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 07:44
by canuck
no shovel nearby? a manly neighbour?

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 07:48
by Kooky
I'm not asking the weird man next door, that's for sure. :lol: (Bad timing - the maintenance man was here earlier, when Fu was snoozing on the sofa.)

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 08:00
by Morrolan
i'd ignore it then.

wait till Neo's back so he can bury it.

i wouldn't let the cats at it: you don't know what it died of...

don't chuck it in the bin: killing possums is illegal as they are protected and officially you have to report it somewhere. someone may go through the trouble of finding and fining you if you just bin it.

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 08:03
by canuck
no dead animal pick up in oz? In calgary there is a dead animal pick up no#

or would they launch a murder investigation?

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 08:10
by Kooky
Morrolan wrote:i'd ignore it then.

wait till Neo's back so he can bury it.

i wouldn't let the cats at it: you don't know what it died of...

Yeah - that thought did cross my mind. I know he'd have a go at one, given the chance, but I'm leaning more towards him being an opportunist.

don't chuck it in the bin: killing possums is illegal as they are protected and officially you have to report it somewhere. someone may go through the trouble of finding and fining you if you just bin it.
Oh hell - thanks for that. :o He's just been back and taken it so I've had to chase him off, cover it with a huge ceramic plant pot and hope he's not quite strong enough to move that.

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 08:55
by Bender
Morrolan wrote:someone may go through the trouble of finding and fining you if you just bin it.
Basis for a new TV show? CSI-Possum Investigation Unit.

Highly unlikely I'd say, unless you include something to identify you, and even then I'd say unlikely. If they did find you, how would the PIU prove anything? DNA match with Hannibal Fu?

Sydney's overrun with possums this year. I reckon it's best to bury it. You could plant a memorial shrub, something that flowers at this time of year.

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 08:59
by Kooky
It's going in a bin, but possibly not our bin. ;)

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 09:23
by daffodil
Don't even think about moving further out than the inner-city K ;)

I didn't realise there was a possum-demic in Sydney - although did stumble across a dead one in the middle of my new street the other week. Hmmm.

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 10:00
by Kooky
Absolutely - that river cottage at Berowra Waters no longer seems very appealing. :lol:

The accused is home and snoozing, and doesn't look in the slightest bit bloody or beaten up, so I don't think he's guilty of murder. This time.

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 13:34
by Morrolan
Bender wrote:
Morrolan wrote:someone may go through the trouble of finding and fining you if you just bin it.
Basis for a new TV show? CSI-Possum Investigation Unit.

Highly unlikely I'd say, unless you include something to identify you, and even then I'd say unlikely. If they did find you, how would the PIU prove anything? DNA match with Hannibal Fu?
sometimes Greenies can be quite persistent in their folly...

Re: Ugh Ugh Ugh

Posted: 5th Dec, '08, 13:35
by baloo
Greenies should be shot, preferably on Lake Benalla on Duck Opening