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What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 18:54
by slinky
I had the idea to get a good sized dog crate so we can use it to put Jonesey the cat outside and he'd be able to get a taste of the outdoors but he wouldn't be able to run away or get lost. What do you think? Would he love it or would it just make him psychotic? :lol:

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 19:02
by BoD
Why not just tie a bungy cord to his tail?

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 19:24
by Tas
actually bungy chord to collar not bad idea. not so different from those runs they do for dogs.

the folks turned the kid cubby house into the cat night time house, seems happy enough to go there to bed every night, locked in (it's ostensibly to protect the wildlife, but truthfully the possums are bigger and have bigger claws!) But it's a pretty biggish room, and they trained it up from kitten hood to accept...

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 19:31
by Lichtgestalt
Why not buy a cat net or make a bigger area "cat-safe"? Porto loves the big garden (and the one of the neighbours) in Germany

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 19:33
by Lili Von Shtupp
Slinks, has Jonesy seemed curious about the outside?

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 19:41
by BoD
Does he know it exists?

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 19:52
by Lili Von Shtupp
Seriously! :lol:

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 19:56
by Sardonicus
The Truman Show for cats.

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 20:03
by Kooky
I think it would make him want to go exploring and he'd end up with no skin left on his paws. Too confined; keep him in or build him an enclosure.

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 20:04
by BoD
Show him a DVD of the garden first

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 20:06
by FurBaby
i agree with Kooky - to my mind, being in the garden but in a crate he'd either be terrified of being outside, or get a taste of it and be constantly hankering to get out ...

Re: What do you think?

Posted: 21st Feb, '11, 21:01
by slinky
He's taken to sitting on the dresser and looking out the window at the birds all while doing some squeaking and squawking :lol: He also bolts out the front door from time to time if he can beat you before you close it :roll:

Overall, I think he's generally pretty content with his life - some of you saw the photo on facebook the other day, right? :lol: