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Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 10:42
by canuck
have you asked? [smilie=smiley-faces-76.gif]

sorry, I'll go now

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 10:43
by Aliya
Eeeeuuuwwww yuck no she has had two babies :)

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 10:46
by Scrummy Mummy
What, you find women who've had two babies yucky?

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 10:48
by Aliya
That's what I keep telling her, nothing like ruining a friends confidence in herself [smilie=yahoo.gif]

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 10:49
by canuck
what do babies have to do with it? :lol:

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 10:52
by BoD
I don't know. After a week of hoses, lettuce and wheatgrass, I am sure she will consider any kind of entertainment

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 10:57
by Aliya
:shock: I dont do hoses! Why do you keep going on about hoses HoD... you can tell us, you are amoungst friends [smilie=icon_e_wink.gif]

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:02
by slinky
Aliya wrote:Eeeeuuuwwww yuck no she has had two babies :) be offended or not to be offended........ [smilie=rollingpin.gif] [smilie=icon_e_wink.gif] (Does it make a difference that my 2 were born on the same day? :lol: )

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:04
by Possum
slinky wrote:
Aliya wrote:Eeeeuuuwwww yuck no she has had two babies :) be offended or not to be offended........ [smilie=rollingpin.gif] [smilie=icon_e_wink.gif] (Does it make a difference that my 2 were born on the same day? :lol: )
Depends which hole they exited .........

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:06
by BoD
If you don't do hoses, then you will still be left 32 years of dead animal remains in your colon.

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:08
by Scrummy Mummy
Oooh, KIND of on that subject......there was a story on CNN about how John McCain might technically not qualify as Pres as he needs to be "natural born" and he was born on an air base. Have any US Presidents been born by C-section? I wondered if anyone ever tried to claim that was not "natural" born?

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:09
by Scrummy Mummy
(Not on the subject of hoses, natch, but of birth)

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:09
by Aliya
You might LOL.

Laydees it is just a joke I have with my friend, she said one night to a couple of us after a few drinks on a girly night in Hong Kong "would any of you sleep with me" to which we teased her and said "no way she has had children", just to wind her up, inside joke, not directed to any of you gorgiss laydees :)

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:11
by slinky
Possum wrote:
slinky wrote: be offended or not to be offended........ [smilie=rollingpin.gif] [smilie=icon_e_wink.gif] (Does it make a difference that my 2 were born on the same day? :lol: )
Depends which hole they exited .........

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:14
by Possum
I have had my eye on this place for a while now
Unfortunately as MD of Possum inc I’m not entitled to any holidays other than an occasional weekend or with crew in tow

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 11:42
by Aliya
Its all those muscles isnt it...

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 12:05
by Possum
For once that’s a big NO :D Since turning 32 I have noticed a huge change in my body, fitness and strength. I know I need to kick start a new way of living to suit my years but with all other things remaining constant it is difficult to start. I just figure it would be easier to remove everything else, go it hard for a few weeks, hopefully see major results and then slot the new healthy me back into life and maintain….simple really.
I have been toying with the idea of putting the possums in boot camp with me but am afraid they will rebel. They (Fairtex) have another place in Pattaya, its not so hard-core but it is child friendly.

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 13:06
by BoD
Pattaya? How about a board trip. THe girls could go to the detox spa and the boys could somehow struggle to find alternative entertainment :)

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 13:09
by Aliya
I thought you said that there is no such thing as a detox! Make your mind up!!

When are we doing that island in Indonesia????

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 13:09
by Possum
[smilie=monstre.gif] [smilie=monstre.gif] [smilie=monstre.gif]

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 13:12
by BoD
Since when has what I believe had any influence on what women manage to convince themselves? But if it helps.. "The women can go to the place that calls itself a detox spa and makes money by feeding off the insecurities and gullibility of women"

Never booked the island as there was little interest

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 13:13
by Aliya
KK and I were interested! can you repost and see what sort of headcount we get?

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 13:20
by BoD
Nope :)

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 4th Mar, '08, 13:20
by Possum
Me too

Re: Detox Spas

Posted: 5th Mar, '08, 09:21
by Batwoman
I can recommend here - it was lovely

Kamalaya, Koh Samui