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slipped disc

Posted: 16th Nov, '09, 15:02
by Satellite
Does it generally heal.

Did some search but could not gather much.

My mother slipped her disc (we suspect) yesterday.. can't even carry baby sate now. She's aAT the doc now but I'm sure they;ll say taht it takes time and to rest la di da. and offer some pain killers of course.


1) Do most people recover without surgery?
2) How long does it generally take to recover?

Anyone knows? or experienced?

Re: slipped disc

Posted: 16th Nov, '09, 15:06
by slinky
Have her go see the osteos at OPRC in Nankin Row, Sate. They may be able to help her out.

Re: slipped disc

Posted: 16th Nov, '09, 15:07
by Burbage
About six weeks to recovery, depending on age of patient. Surgery is seldom required.

Re: slipped disc

Posted: 16th Nov, '09, 15:15
by BoD
Yes, took me about 6 weeks I think. I did go to OPRC, but as to whether the treatment shortened the healing time, i don't know

Re: slipped disc

Posted: 16th Nov, '09, 15:22
by Satellite
thanks... I think she's expecting to recover in 4 days....

Edit: but phew, i initially thought she might not recover at all!

Re: slipped disc

Posted: 16th Nov, '09, 15:25
by Aliya
Yes excercises are the best way and rest. Takes about 6 weeks as Burb said. Pain for first week is awful. Main thing is to ensure she keeps posture straight as much as possible, ie dont slump

Re: slipped disc

Posted: 16th Nov, '09, 15:37
by BoD
I don't think that the disc ever actually heals. The pain is caused by a bulge in disc pressing on a nerve. As the associated swelling reduces then the pressure is released and the pain subsides, but the damage remains.

I have a prolapsed lumbar disc and have had two episodes of significant pain in the last few years. The key is to be much more 'back aware' picking up heavy babies will not help, and also to do exercises to build up muscles to protect the spine. An osteopath or physio will be able to give your mother recommendations

Re: slipped disc

Posted: 17th Nov, '09, 10:30
by Morrolan
and whatever you do, don't let her go to a chiropractor...