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Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 10th Jan, '12, 12:55
by nev
Best Gold Class spend in 2012, and we're only in the second week of January. As good (if not better) than the original Swedish version, more emotionally charged, and with better screen chemistry between the lead characters. Rooney Mara is the best choice for the lead character Lisbeth Salander, although I had my doubt looking at her "before" Lisbeth pics. She did justice to the role, bringing an underlying vulnerability to the outwardly intense, menacing character. Some of the graphic violent scenes were difficult to watch, but were very well done. Excellent movie.

Oh, I finally get why women swoon over Daniel Craig. [smilie=kiss.gif]

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 10th Jan, '12, 16:41
by slinky
Thanks, Nev, I was wondering if there was any reason to see this one given I've already seen the Swedish version. Sounds like it may be.

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 10th Jan, '12, 17:08
by daffodil
Same, not really fussed seeing the Hollwood version having not so long ago watched the original, which was really well done.

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 10th Jan, '12, 18:10
by Duck
Not a patch on the original Swedish version... (in which the girl was much sexier too)

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 10th Jan, '12, 20:16
by Fat Bob
Don't think this movie needs the big screen experience. And I could never watch a foreign language movie, too many subtitles. Unless it was subtitles!:D

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 10th Jan, '12, 20:22
by nev
No subtitles, this is the Hollywood remake.

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 10th Jan, '12, 20:26
by Fat Bob
I was talking about the original done in Swedish, not the one you saw.

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 15th Jan, '12, 14:19
by Pinklepurr
Excellent, saw it today, and it had me from the minute it started right to the end. I really enjoyed this version of the movie. Faithful to the book (except of course in parts that really didn't matter) and equally as good as the Swedish version.

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 16th Jan, '12, 07:46
by Tas
didn't like the Swedish version at all, but pretty sure I've expressed those views in great detail previously :) looking forward to the American version, which is not something I say very often at all!

Re: Movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Posted: 13th Feb, '12, 10:30
by Tas
Pinklepurr wrote:Excellent, saw it today, and it had me from the minute it started right to the end. I really enjoyed this version of the movie. Faithful to the book (except of course in parts that really didn't matter) and equally as good as the Swedish version.
Thought really well done, I loved it too, and having seen it now understand the bits that weren't so faithful, but that seemed actually more sensible to change for a film version, the ending was a tad weak in parts again - beginning to think might be partly how book written. Pretty much all, maybe 95% of the actors were far better physical represenations of the characters - Mara Rooney much better physical represenation of Lisbeth. ( and Robin Right Penn, altho dont' think was her best acting to date, certainly better choice than European version). A good adaption indeed.