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Movie: Warrior

Posted: 16th Jan, '12, 22:52
by nev
What a brilliant movie, excellent performance by the lead actors, and an unforgettable one by Nick Nolte in a supporting role. I wouldn't be surprised if Nolte gets an Oscar this year.

I've never heard of Tom Hardy before this movie, but now I'm a big fan. The plot is interesting, but a little slow in the beginning. About 1/3 into the movie things really started heating up. The fight scenes were brutal, well-choreographed, especially the final fight. Reminds me if Fight Club, or Spartacus minus the decapitation and disembowelment. I do love a good fight scene [smilie=mango.gif] [smilie=mango.gif]

Four out of five stars.

Edit to add: OMG I just read this about Hardy: "He will play the chemically enhanced villain Bane in The Dark Knight Rises which is the final film in the Christopher Nolan saga and is set for release in 2012." [smilie=groovy.gif] [smilie=kiss.gif]

Re: Movie: Warrior

Posted: 17th Jan, '12, 04:18
by Kooky
If you like Tom Hardy, watch Bronson. He is amazing - ridiculously talented.

Re: Movie: Warrior

Posted: 17th Jan, '12, 21:11
by nev
Thanks K, I got that on my list of movies to watch when I have time. I also have Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy :)