Stomach Flu!

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Lili Von Shtupp
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Stomach Flu!

Post by Lili Von Shtupp » 30th Apr, '09, 16:30

As some of you know, Wolfie developed stomach flu Wednesday night of last week. His pediatrician prescribed the usual symptom-treating meds, but by the time of his follow-up, certain symptoms persevered. He's now having a culture tested to identify the critters in his gut so that he can be treated with a targeted course of antibiotic.

He's going to be fine, but what breaks my heart is that he's been out of school for a week already. Because of the long weekend, the lab results won't be back until next Tuesday. Figure a 10 day antibiotic course, start-to-finish, and this child won't be back to school until May 18th - the last week of school before the 5-week summer break.

How crappy is that? He's so bored at home and every day talks about how he misses school and his friends. We go on little walks to get fresh air, but he's really going stir crazy.

His school's open house is just before the break, too. But how can he participate? I think that overall, his first two quarters of school, he's missed more days than he's attended due to illness! :( Poor little guy. He loves school, this is really torture for him.

FTR - The doc said that she's seen an upswing in cases of stomach flu this past month and a half.
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Scrummy Mummy
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Re: Stomach Flu!

Post by Scrummy Mummy » 30th Apr, '09, 17:47

Poor Wolfie.

Don't want mini-S to catch anything (and I don't want to be vomiting myself at the moment) but by the time his school's out I'll be pretty fit so we can get organised with the playdates with those 2 and masters Crom, and have field trips to zoo etc. I can take mini-S out of school some mornings if the masters Crom are worried about missing their beauty sleep.

He could also do scheduled classes like Gymboree? Mini-S is doing more of those now to keep him busy while I'm a bit laid up.

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Re: Stomach Flu!

Post by Lili Von Shtupp » 30th Apr, '09, 19:35

I started looking at things to do over the break, like the National Museum programs they had last year - did you go? Were they good? I also need to watch my budget, so the cheaper the better. You always come up with interesting things, so let's keep in touch with some of these programs.
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Re: Stomach Flu!

Post by Scrummy Mummy » 30th Apr, '09, 21:46

I'll PM you and Crom. Don't want to bore everyone else :D

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Lili Von Shtupp
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Re: Stomach Flu!

Post by Lili Von Shtupp » 30th Apr, '09, 22:36

Sounds great. I'll bring the beer :)
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