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Posted: 19th Jan, '12, 10:09
by Lili Von Shtupp
Before she left Singapore, our very own cromasaig was so kind as to give me one of her JoeySafe toddler safety belt harnesses. Wolfie had just grown out of his Sit n Stroll portable car seat, so we used and loved the JoeySafe. Now, he's grown into using an inflatable booster seat, so we don't need the JoeySafe anymore.

Since I got it for free, I will give it for free to someone who can really use it.

Rules and regulations:

1) It does not come with a bag.

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 19th Jan, '12, 12:27
by baloo
Can it hold 3 cats (1 x 9yo and 2 x 2mth old) in place ?

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 19th Jan, '12, 13:50
by Lili Von Shtupp
I hate to tell you, Baloo, but it sounds to me like you need a straitjacket, not a JoeySafe.

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 19th Jan, '12, 22:22
by Satellite
I tried googling joeysafe but only one image appeared but could find their main website. How does it attach to a car seatbelt?

How old (weight,height) is it suitable for? I've got 2 carseats now in a nissan sunny and it is very cramped in the middle. was thinking if i could use the joeysafe instead of booster seat it wouldnt be so cramped in the middle.

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 20th Jan, '12, 09:33
by Lili Von Shtupp
Sate, I did a lot of research on JoeySafe a few years back and IIRC, the company went out of business and I think it was over patenting and licensing issues. The actual harness itself has a padded chest piece and a padded back piece and they are connected with a series of straps - two over the shoulders, one under the crotch and then one that circles the waist. The car seat belt attaches to the back padding/crotch strap via a loop. It's complicated at first, but after a while you get the hang of it.

IMHO if you have your own car, the best possible child safety restraint is an approved, full-sized car seat until the child graduates into an approved, full-sized booster seat. If given the choice I would choose this, since it is safest. But since I'm in taxis, I can't lug these things around. I must make do with the most reasonable substitute. Basically what I'm saying is that your child will be safer in a car seat/booster than he will be in the JoeySafe. You're lucky you have the choice!

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 20th Jan, '12, 09:42
by baloo
Not in Singapore though. There is a special chemical in the air that allows kids to move about the cabin of a moving car with no restraint whatsoever without any risk of injury in the event of a car accident.

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 20th Jan, '12, 22:29
by Satellite
thanks lvs. The picture made it look quite substantial. Too bad for my helper then, she'll have to be continued to be squashed bt the two of them for time yet!

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 6th Feb, '12, 10:23
by Tas
Maybe you could give your helper a turn in the front seat?

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 6th Dec, '12, 19:57
by dj larson

Is the Joeysafe still available? I have a 10 month old baby & badly need it for taxi rides.


Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 7th Dec, '12, 08:36
by Lili Von Shtupp
Hi! For a 10 month old the JoeySafe is not sufficient. I don't think I started to use it until my kid was approaching 3 years, maybe even 4?

I used a Sit n Stroll for as long as he'd fit in it, because it was a fully safety approved, front-facing car seat that converted into a stroller. It was ugly but brilliant, I still have it and lend it to a few close friends when they need it (otherwise I'd sell it). I bought mine for about $200-300 from a local online distributor called BabyTown, they can deliver to your home.

On their site they also have a couple of other options for stroller travel systems, like COMBI, that have car seats that snap into a stroller frame. These cost more than Sit n Stroll but are a bit more glam.

For a 10 month old I really think these are the best choices.

Good luck!

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 7th Dec, '12, 08:38
by baloo
Good advice, but you should have given it after you made the sale.

Re: JoeySafe

Posted: 7th Dec, '12, 09:07
by Lili Von Shtupp
Actually, I just didn't want to have to dig it out of the bottom of my closet.