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Election Eve

Posted: 20th Aug, '10, 14:56
by Joseph27
Well a day to go - looks like its going right down to the wire... the libs have done a very destructive campaign but boy they are within a whisper of winning. The latest betting is going mostly onto the libs - i am a nerd but I am looking forward to watching the australian channel coverage tomorrow. Personally I just want to see the australian sex party get the seat currently held by family first

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 20th Aug, '10, 17:18
by Fat Bob
Don't you have 4 posts already about this shinanigans?

I'll be busy watching something where the result may still be down to the wire, but really, I don't care about that either (well, as long as they don't play their vuvuzelas).

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 20th Aug, '10, 17:54
by Joseph27
FB - its my favorite night of TV... yes i know its quite sad but I get a few bottle of wine, some cheese, pate and get prepared for a night with australia's political pundits... I am calling this as an Abbot 3 seat win.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 20th Aug, '10, 19:00
by Fat Bob
Very sad indeed. Though I must admit, it took 8 years for me to figure that out.

Which ever bunch of idiots get in, they are only interested in staying in. Until you get someone that doesn't want to be a politician in your government, then you will always have that problem. So does the UK, US, Indonesia and god knows how many more places in the world.

Get real, who ever is in, it won't change a thing that isn't going to be changed anyhow.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 20th Aug, '10, 19:57
by Joseph27
Agree 100% - it doesnt matter who gets in - they are both interested in staying in and thats it... older governments had plans, todays governments have focus groups to ask questions of and get feedback... policies are reactive, initiatives are history.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 20th Aug, '10, 20:09
by Fat Bob
So why are you so interested? Is this something that, because you know it's not going to make an iota of difference, you have to watch?

Don't worry, this isn't anti-aussie, it's anti-politician. I'm the same way for the US presidency race and almost that way for the UK voting day.

Bag o'shite the lot of it!

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 07:55
by Kooky
It's obviously a huge, huge thing here - we're avoiding multiple election night party invitations.

We can't even vote.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 08:37
by Joseph27
Good question... i have worked a few work elections in both helping the electorate commission and then other elections in scrutineering for the liberal party. I love the process and the strategy - and election night is the culmination of that. I havent missed picking an election since Liberals lost with kennett.

FB - I try to be a cynic but I am waiting for the day we get a true visionary leader - I hope it happens someday, someone who can transcend the noise and provide real vision. I was so sad that Gillard ended up standing for nothing, things she should have stood up for and she surely believes in were trampled for political expediency. And lets face Abbott stands for nothing so we are left with 2 hollow campaigns - the south park choice between a turd and a douche. Either way everyone loses....

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 09:32
by Fat Bob
Watch out for visionary leaders: Tony Blair when elected was thought to be visionary, look at the mess that guy got us into!

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 10:57
by Joseph27
Yep Obama too, then again how many historical leaders could actually thrive today under the microscope of a 24/7 news cycle? Roosevelt wouldn’t have been electable - Kennedy's moon vision would have been dished by Fox news as entirely wasteful and would never have got off the ground.

So a question - are people generally more cynical and through their cynicism feeding the growth industry of useless news services that exist to make money from sensationalized news, or have the media in their attempt to modernize exacerbated our cynicism by endlessly selling the news in an ever increasingly simplistic and headline manner? That answer does seem to be somewhat of a mix of these however as a society we are not going to get answers to our major problems by pandering to constant focus group outcomes and opinion polls. At some stage genuine visionary leadership is needed.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 19:03
by Joseph27
Its a hung parliament (not the same as a well hung parliament) - one green - 1 greenish - and 3 conversatives.... Fuck this is the most fascinating election i've watched since 1984.... Of course I was only 11 then...


Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 19:12
by Pinklepurr
Oh gawd....

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 19:32
by Joseph27
the ALP fucked up majorly - Kevin would have won.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 21st Aug, '10, 20:08
by Joseph27
ALP 72
LIB 73

Man first time ever

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 22nd Aug, '10, 12:30
by daffodil
It ain't over until the Greens and Indies sing....what sought-after men they will be with both parties over the next few days.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 22nd Aug, '10, 13:04
by Burbage
Bob Katter holding the balance of power. That's like something from the Book of Revelations.

Re: Election Eve

Posted: 22nd Aug, '10, 13:57
by Joseph27
So Abbott got the liberal leadership with a majority of one, and right now he is on verge of forming govt with the 3 independents. It would seem more likely that the 3 will go with him to form govt though he will need to be a master negotiator to be effective as PM. Now the Greens have the majority in the senate - governing in Australia just got tougher.