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Posted: 31st Jul, '09, 01:44
by Lichtgestalt ... -care.html

Disclaimer: I don't read the Daily Mail, just googled for the English version

A pregnant woman who has already had 13 children taken into care last night vowed to keep on giving birth until she is allowed to keep one.

Theresa Winters has spent almost half of her life having babies, but has not been allowed to keep any of them beyond the age of two.

Even her own sister believes that she should be sterilised.

But Miss Winters, 36, a heavy smoker who was herself taken into care as a teenager, insisted it was time for a 'second chance'.

She accused social workers of failing to help her achieve her deepest wish of having a family with her second partner, Tony Housden.

She admitted that social services had probably made the right decision in removing her first 13 children because of neglect, but said she had 'calmed down' now.

Miss Winters, who is 25 weeks into her 14th pregnancy, said: 'We feel like social services are treating us like murderers when we haven't done anything.

'All we want to do is to be a family and to look after our children. It's very upsetting. We want help from social services but they won't help us.'

Miss Winters had her first child with ex-husband Wayne Redding at 19. Their daughter, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was taken away in 1994 aged two after the couple were accused of neglect.

Two years later their next child was also taken away. Miss Winters then began an affair with Mr Housden, who had been a lodger at their Luton home.

She divorced Mr Redding, a New Zealander who has since died, and went on to have another 11 children with Mr Housden, all of whom have been taken into care.

Four of them were found to have a rare and degenerative condition, which has a genetic link, after birth. One of those has since died.

The couple, who are on benefits, have been told that they cannot keep the children due to 'concerns about severe neglect, lack of parenting ability and the consequent risk to any child in their care'.

Reliving the moment of losing her children, she said: 'I will be sitting in the hospital and a nurse will come and take the baby away - it's devastating.'

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