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Revolution in Egypt

Posted: 29th Jan, '11, 03:10
by Mr Oz
Looks like it may now be unstoppable....
Al Jazeera's reporting the army is on the streets protecting the protestors!

Re: Revolution in Egypt

Posted: 1st Feb, '11, 10:46
by Joseph27
This is a scary development - these protest start off with a righteous groundswell but are usually hijacked by strongest alternative... in Egypts case, this means the brotherhood. In Iran it was the Ayatollah and Co. Right now it wouldnt be a nice thing to be a middle class Egyption in Cairo with a new condo...

Re: Revolution in Egypt

Posted: 1st Feb, '11, 10:53
by T2K
The army is out on the side of the protesting masses - yay, democracy! But...democracy in the Middle East usually means Islamic nutjobbery in charge.

So, that US$1.5 billion in foreign aid to Egypt which the US has spent every year for decades to buy the peace between them and Israel seems a waste. Stop that funding immediately. And cut Israel's by 50% too, while we're at it.

Re: Revolution in Egypt

Posted: 1st Feb, '11, 12:17
by Joseph27
Isnt a big part of that $1.5billion of foreign aid really just overpriced military equipment from the US? Hate to use the term military industrial complex but hey these giants get the US tax payer to foot the bill and send weapons of war disguised as foreign aid. Everyone sounds good until things start exploding...

One cavaet - I say US tax payer when I should say - US tax payers great grand child

Re: Revolution in Egypt

Posted: 1st Feb, '11, 12:37
by T2K
A lot of the aid to Isreal (which is, I think, around U$3bil/yr) comes with the caveat that it must be spent on US military purchases. I am not sure about Egypt.