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Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 10th Jun, '13, 10:19
by SunshineAfterRain
I have to admit that when this Forum first started I frequent it daily. I had met some of you in real life but not all. I would love to visit here and chit-chat as I used to but as a working mum; priorities have changed.

I have a facebook account but as mentioned previously, I use it solely for playing some online games (e.g. Candy Crush Saga and respond to soem games requests) and I am rarely there to chit-chat. If you lot decided to move on to a Facebook group, I wouldn't mind registering a new account just for this purpose. Whatsapp works for me too.

I know it takes up a lot of time to maintain this board and and to clean up the the spammers. Baloo, whatever floats your boat, I respect the final decision made by you and with the moderators. Thank you very much!

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 11th Jun, '13, 18:20
by Duck
I find myself checking in on sites that have Apps such as Facebook, twitter, Skype etc... Push one button & start communicating...seldom find myself actually on the Internet opening these same networking sites, hence why I pop on & check postings less frequently (unless I see a thread of interest on twitter) ...Forum App possible? Hee hee...

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 11:46
by Bender
I still visit, but I am one of those who hasn't posted anything much for quite a while. Numerous reasons including the usual 'busy doing other things', but to be honest I feel that some on here have lost some of the sense of humour they used to have, some others are simply less civil than they used to be, and some are less generous with their time and seem to care less than they may have done in the past. In many ways I suspect that's a reflection of society generally though. I guess it doesn't quite have the same 'vibe' or feel that it used to.

Although I have a facebook account, which I set up to look at someone's travel photos once, I don't do facebook. In fact, much of the reason I hate facebook is how it seems to have replaced human interaction ("you want to know how I enjoyed my holiday? It's on my facebook page", that sort of thing). I have never twat (or whatever the term for that is) either, in fact I've never even looked at twitter because I simply am not interested in the drivel that people apparently put on there (I had cornflakes for breakfast, etc).

I'd be sad to see singaporum go. I have met some interesting and nice people here, and I value those relationships very much, even if they're not full-on friendships in the traditional sense.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 13:58
by Fat Bob
It's not as if we've not had this conversation before. We see a lot of people coming up with the same reasons for posting here less: more busy, they do facebook, they have other priorities. All fair reasons, but without the new bllod to keep the place going, then as people stop posting, stop looking, stop living then the forum will die.

Trying to get new members seems to have led to an increase in spam but not an increase in active members.

Baloo maintains the hardware, however, without the input from forumers, then the forum will die (whether the hardware is maintained, improved or whatever).

My belief is that we are not having that input anymore and hence I'm visiting here less and inputting elsewhere.

I don't see a way to get the board "more alive". I think we've applied the bandages in the past, have failed to recruit sufficiently new members (maybe they are happier with Facebook, Twitter etc) and have failed to make the current members more active (maybe the dog ate their keyboard, or the posting is in the post).

It was good. Let's move along.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 14:11
by tigerbalm
I said it before - although this forum is friendly it seems to be such a group of old 'friends' that newcomers just feel, well intimidated is too big a word, but a little shy. School yard all over again.
I love the grown up vibe here but I do not ask the daily life questions here as they seem to trivial.
Nevertheless - I visit here almost every day

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 14:43
by Lichtgestalt
One reason for the decrease in postings is also that the most(?) people of the group who once formed the core of the board don't live in Singapore anymore, hence the daily issues which used to be discussed here have decreased as well

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 14:44
by Jedi
I feel that the porum has lost a lot of steam, but i do still get some benefit from it, which would be missed if gone. For example, our long running TV to watch thread. I've found some good shows from other board members recommendations.

I'm not really sure where we go from here.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 14:48
by Lichtgestalt
Jedi wrote:I feel that the porum has lost a lot of steam, but i do still get some benefit from it, which would be missed if gone. For example, our long running TV to watch thread. I've found some good shows from other board members recommendations. .
Ditto. Many evenings would have been dead boring without it

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 15:19
by Lili Von Shtupp
It's been mentioned elsewhere that the porum is cliquish, and while I can see that, my own personal experience here is opposite. When I joined this group everybody had already known each other for years from A Previous Board run by someone who I believe was called "Don't Say His Name Three Times Or He Might Show Up". Anyhow, I thought this was just the funniest place and didn't care that I was a newcomer, I was just so thankful for a place to flex my sense of humor and provide a needed distraction to my work-from-home grind. I just jumped in and eventually you guys became my coworkers around the water cooler.

I love you guys.

Most especially Bender. You people know I'm dying to be the one to point this out...

It's tweet, Hon, tweet.


Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 16:14
by Pinklepurr
What she said (Lily that is) although I have only met one (oops, no two I almost forgot I met Spike, how could I?) of these forum members in person, I still feel comfortable chatting away as though we do know each other. The mix of discussion is good too, just a pity there isn't much more of it. I think what I liked about this place was that it felt comfortable, and not intimidating, unlike many of the others where you were likely to get your head bitten off if you asked a simple question.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 17:22
by daffodil
LVs - re Bender, good spot my dear! :lol:

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 12th Jun, '13, 19:37
by canuck
Fat Bob wrote:It's not as if we've not had this conversation before. We see a lot of people coming up with the same reasons for posting here less: more busy, they do facebook, they have other priorities. All fair reasons, but without the new bllod to keep the place going, then as people stop posting, stop looking, stop living then the forum will die.

Trying to get new members seems to have led to an increase in spam but not an increase in active members.

Baloo maintains the hardware, however, without the input from forumers, then the forum will die (whether the hardware is maintained, improved or whatever).

My belief is that we are not having that input anymore and hence I'm visiting here less and inputting elsewhere.

I don't see a way to get the board "more alive". I think we've applied the bandages in the past, have failed to recruit sufficiently new members (maybe they are happier with Facebook, Twitter etc) and have failed to make the current members more active (maybe the dog ate their keyboard, or the posting is in the post).

It was good. Let's move along.
If you are keen to move on

em why do you keep posting? there is nothing left to see here, right?

but we might still see stuff here, leave us to our car crash :P

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 14th Jun, '13, 22:04
by Satellite
haha. I've also noticed that FB is one of the most frequent posters nowadays too!

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 15th Jun, '13, 00:39
by sluggo
FB, you've got to love him. At least FB post things that get others to respond. He likes to be cantankerous.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 15th Jun, '13, 10:20
by Fat Bob
Great, a conversation on the future of the board turns into a talk about my posts. I think this clearly supports my view on closing it down!

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 15th Jun, '13, 22:50
by Sardonicus
I for one would like to see it continue, easy for me to say as I'm not the one pinging off trolls.

I use FB and G+ for quite different things, and might not post the same things I do here, there, and vice-versa.

I've uncharacteristically not been back for a week or so after my last few posts got brushed aside by all the spammers, so I am guilty for not posting my fair share since. Back so so will continue to post as long as there's a place to post.