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Is it time ?

Posted: 6th Jun, '13, 17:31
by baloo
Time to discuss the future of the forum. Dead quiet, no posting of any length.

I'm not sure if euthanasia of forums is allowed in Singapore but it needs to be considered seriously. I don't want to rot away the way has. I'd rather turn this place off.

Thoughts ? Opinions ? Hopes ? Desires ? Wants ? Needs ? Cheese Sandwich? Bags ?

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 6th Jun, '13, 19:09
by Lichtgestalt
Facebook group as an alternative?

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 6th Jun, '13, 19:42
by baloo
Many here still don't know each other in real life, some don't know they know each other.

There is a Facebook page for the pork already setup.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 6th Jun, '13, 19:45
by daffodil
Hmmmm, are forumites visiting but not posting or not visiting at all?

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 6th Jun, '13, 19:59
by Pinklepurr
It seems to be a bit of a trend at the moment. Forums all very very quiet.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 6th Jun, '13, 20:08
by expat yorkshire
I for one would be sad to see the forum close .....

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 6th Jun, '13, 21:51
by Lili Von Shtupp
"Some don't know they know each other"... hmmm, that sounds interesting...

I'd be sad to see it go. I do check in almost daily, though I have to admit I don't post as much as I used to do.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 07:11
by chocolate
:( don't kill the forum !!! Too many people in different time zones. Sigh

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 07:33
by Jedi
Move to Google Group perhaps?

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 07:45
by sluggo
I know I said I would try to post more and I haven't. I'm so bad. I do check in almost every day unless I'm out of the country. I still enjoy it. I will try, try, try harder to post more. [smilie=bowdown.gif]

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 07:49
by Pinklepurr
I would hate to see it go also, I check in once or twice a day. I admit to not starting many posts, usually as I don't think anyone would be interested in what I am thinking about, but I do love to add in when I can.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 10:43
by slinky
Cheese Sandwich.

But, seriously, I check in nearly every day too & post here & there and add when I can. Like others have said, I'd be sad to see it go. (And, like Lili, I'm somewhat intrigued by the 'some don't know they know each other' :o :lol: )

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 15:16
by tigerbalm
If its possible please keep the forum alive. Maybe many newcomers do not post as it feels like everyone knows each other? But this is the only one of Sing forums with witty and funny comments.
At least give it until after the various holidays ? Until people are back from the "summer" holidays.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 15:51
by Kooky
I discussed this yesterday with another porumite. I check in a couple of times a day but there is nothing to see, and I've all but given up trying to start convos.

Honestly, I think it's on its last legs, and I don't think it's fair to expect baloo to spend time nuking the many spammers when most days they post the only posts. Well, them and Joseph, but I don't read those either :D

Again, most of you asking to keep it hardly post. I think you're flogging a dead horse. I chat with most of you on Facebook or IM and many more of you know me and can find me if you want to. (Daff, I miss you!)

Sorry. Not a popular opinion, I know, but I'm used to that.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 17:16
by canuck
I would be sad to see it go, but if we can put together an alternate option, no cost, would be ok. I check every day but am bad at adding interesting things

Be it Facebook or google

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 17:18
by Satellite
I still check here but it is more addiction than anything. Most of hte time I find myself wondering why on earth I still come here when there really aren't any posts anymore. Or the kind of banter that it used to have.

So, I am with Kooky. I feel that most on here don't have that lifestyle anymore than allows them to sit in front of the computer to chat all the time. Like others said , most here know each other even though as acquaitances that they've met once or twice and so can still chat on a different level through facebook.

It would be sad to see it go as it would mark the end of an era. But live moves on.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 17:40
by daffodil
Save our Singapore Forum campaign underway :D

I'd be a bit sad to see it end, though appreciate I'm not responsible for keeping it up and running. I seem to recall we've had this discussion previously and activity picked up remember A Post A Day, keeps the Forum Choppers away [smilie=tease.gif]

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 17:50
by Lichtgestalt
I agree with Kooky and Satellite, still checking in as an old habit. Most of us know each other anyway and are on FB (except one) and I think that FB takes away the conversations we used to have on this board so lets move on

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 19:37
by T2K
I don't know most of you (or rather I think I don't know most of you but now Baloo has me wondering!) but this is a more personal forum. I can see how it would turn new people off since a lot of people here are clearly, or rather clearly seem to be, longtime close friends.

I would survive if it were closed. But I would miss it!

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 21:03
by nev
I still check in every day, you guys are usually so funny. What happened???

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 7th Jun, '13, 22:04
by baloo
Just to set the record straight, cost isn't an issue (believe it or not the ads nearly pay for the site, though the amazon affiliate fees after a great start have dwindled off). The spammers or the most part are under control.

I just don't want this place to turn into a wasteland. If people post, it will stay, if they don't, it will have to be shut down because it doesn't deserve to rot away publicly

As daff said, a post a day from everyone will keep this place going. Posts attract more posts

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 8th Jun, '13, 14:34
by Fat Bob
Shut it.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 8th Jun, '13, 15:08
by daffodil
Good to see those charm school lessons aren't being wasted on you FB.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 8th Jun, '13, 16:27
by Spike
This has been an institution I've enjoyed for many years and through which I've met a good number of new friends. I do check in every 2-3 days, although in the pre-Facebook age I checked in 2-3 times a day. I'm also guilty of not posting as much as I used to, largely because I already spend too much time paying attention to Facebook when I should be working.

I'd like to stay in touch with all those I've known and met through this medium. If it were to close I'd like to connect via Facebook instead. So if closing is imminent, perhaps the last post should be real names and email addresses so we can connect to whomever we want via other means.

Re: Is it time ?

Posted: 9th Jun, '13, 11:23
by avatarless
I loved the first iteration of the internet,when it was small and full of fun little communities like the 'porum. That sense of community is long gone- this is last place of refuge, as you say, baloo. I guess I come here more for the kick of nostalgia than anything else, as there isn't much activity. It will be missed for sure. Many thanks for keeping it going as long as you have, baloo!