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NHS doctor held captive by family in Bangladesh facing force

Posted: 8th Dec, '08, 13:11
by Aliya

An NHS doctor is allegedly being held captive by her family in Bangladesh who are suspected of preparing to force her to marry in defiance of a landmark British court order.

Dr Humayra Abedin was forced into an engagement on a routine visit to see her family

Dr Humayra Abedin, a trainee GP based in east London, has had virtually no contact with the outside world for almost four months after being visiting relatives at the family home in the capital Dhaka.

There are now fears that the 33-year-old, who has indicated that she is considering suicide, could be forced to marry within the next week.

In one of only a handful of such interventions since the new Forced Marriage Act came into effect two weeks ago, the High Court in London issued an injunction late on Friday intended to stop any planned marriage and demanding that she be allowed to return to Britain where she is classed as a resident.

But, according to an affidavit seen by the Daily Telegraph, officials were forced to hang the British order on the family's front door after they barred entry on Saturday afternoon.

Having trained both in Bangladesh and at Leeds University, Dr Abedin was eight months into post-graduate training to become a GP at the London Deanery when she visited the family home in August.

The young doctor, who owns a flat in Leyton, east London, was allegedly forced into an engagement on a routine visit to see her family in February of this year but managed to return to England.

Three months later her mother, Begum Sofia Kamal, and an uncle, Abu Baker, arrived at her British flat and allegedly held her against her will for several days until police intervened, according to Anne-Marie Hutchinson, the British lawyer acting on her behalf.

In August Dr Abedin made a 48-hour visit to Dhaka following urgent messages claiming that her mother was ill.

Although she stayed with friends and only visited the family home on her way back to the airport, she was allegedly prevented from leaving and has been there ever since.

Her only known communications with the outside world in that time have been a brief telephone conversation with her cousin Dr Shipra Chaudhury and an email to a British friend sent a few days ago in which she said she spoke of her despair.

Sara Hossein, the Bangladeshi lawyer acting for Dr Chaudhury, claimed that Dr Abedin had made clear that she was being held against her will and wanted to return to Britain, despite being able to give only yes or no answers.

"It was a very brief conversation, as soon as she finished speaking and she gave those answers the phone was taken away and the mother came back on the line," said Miss Hossein.

In an email to a male friend in Britain, whom the family suspect she was having a relationship with, Dr Abedin wrote that she had "nothing left to live and look forward to."

Courts in Bangladesh, where forced marriage is illegal, have now issued four separate orders requiring the family to produce Dr Abedin and allow her to speak to her lawyers but they have allegedly failed to do so.

Lawyers representing Dr Abedin's father Mohammad Joynal Abedin, a retired businessman, have claimed that she is mentally ill and unable to decide for herself.

Miss Hossein said she now fears that the family might take advantage of the seven-day window before the courts reopen on Dec 14 after public holidays to finally force through the marriage.

She claimed she was contacted by an aunt in the last week suggesting that the matter be "resolved" by the young doctor agreeing to marry.

Although the British order does not have the force of law in Bangladesh, lawyers in both countries believe it could prove a powerful tool in efforts to secure the doctor's freedom.

"This case is about her basic rights," said Miss Hossein.

"It is important that the Bangladeshi courts are trying to assert the same things that the British courts are."