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Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 14th Oct, '10, 13:24
by Joseph27
There does seem to be a big difference between the way men and women view pornography and often ladies cannot understand why their partners internet history page contains references to somewhat questionable material. Even still this provides an interesting topic in an other wise quite boring part of this site... Does Pornography diminish your respect for woman?

Gail Dines
October 14, 2010 - The Age.

Porn addicition is a serious issue, with a generation of men accustomed to graphic images.
A generation raised on hard core has trouble with the real thing.

In a recent radio interview the host suggested that since I didn't like porn, the solution was to not look at it. If only it was that easy to avoid. Many women I know don't look at porn, but this doesn't mean that they are not affected by it every day.

The men they date, have sex with and marry are increasingly being brought up on a steady diet of porn, and the more they watch, the less capable they are of forming connected, intimate relationships.

The porn these men consume looks nothing like your father's Playboy. In place of soft core, soft focus images of naked women smiling coyly at the camera, consumers are catapulted into a world of cruel and brutal sex acts designed to dehumanise women.

In the vast majority of porn today, sex is not about making love, as the feelings and emotions we normally associate with such an act - connection, empathy, tenderness, caring, affection - are missing, and in their place are those we normally associate with hate - fear, disgust, anger, loathing, and contempt.

As she is being roughly penetrated by any number of men, she is being called vile names such as whore, slut, and worse.

We often hear that porn is all about fun and fantasy, so it has no real effect. My interviews with university-age men tell a very different story. When I talk to men about their experiences with porn, it is clear that not all are affected in the same way, but affected they are. Remember, this is the generation that grew up with internet porn, and some studies put the first age of viewing porn at 11 years. Unlike previous generations, these boys and men have unlimited access to hard-core images 24 hours a day.

Many of the men I talk to believe that porn sex is what women want, and they become upset and angry when their sex partner, perhaps their wife, girlfriend, or a one night hook-up, refuses to look or behave like their favourite porn star. The women often refuse to perform the sex acts the men have routinely enjoyed watching, and next to the screaming orgasms and sexual gymnastics of porn sex, real sex with real women starts to feel boring and bland.

These men have become so accustomed to porn sex that some are disappointed by their own sexual performance. When they compare themselves with the male porn actors, who can sustain Viagra-fortified erections for long periods, the guys I talk to often admit to feeling like sexual losers, and worry something is wrong with them.

What troubles many of these men most is that they need to pull up the porn images in their head in order to have an orgasm with their partner. They replay porn scenes in their minds, or think about having sex with their favourite porn star when they are with their partners.

What is new over the past five years or so is university-aged men admitting their addiction to pornography. I had been somewhat sceptical of the addiction model, thinking that it was a way for men to avoid taking responsibility for their porn use.

However, I am not the only one to hear about addiction. Sex and relationship therapists Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz discuss in their book The Porn Trap how therapists are seeing a rising wave of porn addicts looking for help. They found both in their practice and from interviewing other therapists that ''what used to be a small problem for relatively few people had grown to a societal issue that was spilling over and causing problems in the lives of countless everyday people''.

The men at university I speak to who are addicted do indeed end up in serious trouble. They neglect their studies, spend huge amounts of money they don't have, become isolated from others and often suffer depression. They know that something is wrong, feel out of control and don't know how to stop. While men may share their favourite porn stories, they don't tend to talk to each other about their addictive behaviour, which further adds to their isolation.

If we are really going to tackle porn, however, we have to move beyond individual responses. We are going to need to build a long-term, multi-pronged movement that involves building coalitions, grassroots education programs, and media strategies that eventually lead to cultural change.

But a movement against porn can't only be about what's wrong with the world, it also needs to offer an enticing, positive vision of sexuality based on equality and respect. And this sexual equality is closely linked to economic equality, because the whole sex industry rests on women with few choices.

As long as we have porn, women will never be seen as full human beings deserving of all the rights that men have. This is why we need to build a vibrant movement that fights for a world in which women have power in and over their lives because there is no room for porn in a just society.

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 14th Oct, '10, 14:28
by Fat Bob
Joseph27 wrote: Does Pornography diminish your respect for woman?
That would require an initial respect for women....

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 14th Oct, '10, 14:32
by Burbage
There is certainly a confusion amongst women that sex and making love are the same thing. From a man's perspective there are two kinds of women. Those that you want to have sex with. And those that you want to make love to. A quiet life is ensured by making sure they never meet.

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 14th Oct, '10, 15:53
by Joseph27
Burbage wrote:There is certainly a confusion amongst women that sex and making love are the same thing. From a man's perspective there are two kinds of women. Those that you want to have sex with. And those that you want to make love to. A quiet life is ensured by making sure they never meet.
[smilie=rotflmao.gif] Well said.

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 15th Oct, '10, 07:30
by Kooky
Burbage wrote:There is certainly a confusion amongst women that sex and making love are the same thing.
Oh Burb, you just haven't talked the right women into bed ;)

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 15th Oct, '10, 07:34
by Fat Bob
I don't thinks he talk to women, never mind to the right ones, and most certainly not in bed!

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 15th Oct, '10, 08:40
by Burbage
Does anyone else find Fat Bob's obsession with my sex life to be a bit unhealthy?

As for talking to the right woman, very occasional hits, a shedfull of misses (no pun intended).

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 15th Oct, '10, 11:44
by slinky
Burbage wrote:Does anyone else find Fat Bob's obsession with my sex life to be a bit unhealthy?

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 15th Oct, '10, 12:04
by Snaffled
I liked the comment on the SMH about this article...

Sensationalism has hijacked the media and is destroying unbiased articles.

And by the way have you read my new book?

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 16th Oct, '10, 02:45
by chocolate
Kooky wrote:
Burbage wrote:There is certainly a confusion amongst women that sex and making love are the same thing.
Oh Burb, you just haven't talked the right women into bed ;)

Re: Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men

Posted: 23rd Oct, '10, 02:45
by Oxo1
In the vast majority of porn today, sex is not about making love, as the feelings and emotions we normally associate with such an act - connection, empathy, tenderness, caring, affection - are missing
Based on the assumption that they ever existed during sex of course. This article smacks of misinterpretation about what men want from sex (which, perhaps surprisingly to some is actually sex! I guess our secret is out now [smilie=w00t.gif]). It’s not new, it’s our evolutionary heritage. Given most pornography is targeted at men it should hardly be surprising if it depicts graphic sex acts.

Porn also has this problem that there are only a number of times consumers can watch the same video and still feel aroused or interested (since really aside from the sex porn is pretty boring and repetitive). They need to be more creative in inventing new ways to portray people having sex to keep people watching, much like one would not watch the same TV show again and again if the plot and cast never changed.

It may be true that porn has changed the way some people have sex but then popular media has set trends in fashion, consumer goods, language, behaviour etc. so it’s not surprising in some ways that people should emulate other trends. It wasn’t so long ago oral sex was very taboo and people look at anal sex/S&M/hentai*/bukkake*/whatever now with the same combination of fascination, arousal, curiosity and disgust.

There seems to be resentment amongst some women that their oligopoly (pornopoly?) has been broken by print and more prominently electronic media but it’s silly to resist the change really. We live in a post prudish Victorian society and, like offering people almost any freedom, the problem is sometimes they are likely to use in ways you don’t approve of or anticipate.
